

发布日期:2021-03-29 20:37:26  发布人:user






珍惜今天 勤奋学习



flag raising ceremony



raising ceremony


Speech under the national flag



under the

national flag






  我们不应该在昨天寻觅什么,也不应该向明天祈求什么,最重要的是怎样对待今天!在这有限的时间里努力学习,抓紧今天的分分秒秒,用今天的努力去弥补昨天的空隙,去实现明天崇高的理想。在这一天快要结束的时候,大家应当认真反思你在这一天的所作所为,自己是否真正做到了珍惜时间。老师上课时,你是否因为知识枯燥难懂而放弃听课;在上自习课时,你是否因为自己意志薄弱而心不在焉;在家中做作业时,你是否禁不住电视和电脑游戏的诱惑而虚度时光;  在周末,你是否因为贪玩儿而无暇顾及书本;聪明的人,检查昨天,抓紧今天,规划明天;愚蠢的人,哀叹昨天,挥霍今天,梦幻明天。






Cherish today and study hard

    Hello, everyone. We are Wu Yutong and Li Yuemeng from Class 5, Grade 7. Today our speech topic is Cherish today and study hard!

    Some people say that there are three days in people’s life, yesterday, today and tomorrow. The three days constitute everyone’s life.

    But I think that one's life is made up of every today, because those people who don’t cherish today will neither cherish yesterday nor look forward to tomorrow.

    Optimistic people like to describe a better tomorrow. Pessimistic people are always afraid of what happen tomorrow. But the deep meaning of life is mainly about today. Life is precious, it is made of every minute. So to cherish today is to cherish life, to abandon today is to abandon life.

    Yesterday is gone without coming back. If you made a little achievement yesterday, or did something wrong, you will be stuck in the mire of yesterday. At the same time, your day will slip away from your sorrow. Everyone will take the bus today to get to tomorrow. Every day is different and beautiful. So we should cherish today, then a good tomorrow will wait for us.

    We should not focus more on yesterday, or pray for anything of tomorrow. Because the most important thing is how to live today. In this limited time, we should study hard, use every minute of today very well to achieve an ideal tomorrow. At the end of the day, you should think about what you have done and if you are truly using your time. When you have a class, do you give up because the knowledge is difficult to understand? In the self-check class, do you release your mind because of your weak will? When you do your homework at home, do you waste time because the TV show and computer games are interesting? On the weekend, do you leave your books out because you want to play outside? Clever people check yesterday, seize today, and plan for tomorrow. Fools focus on yesterday and tomorrow, but waste today.

    A meaningful life should be no regrets yesterday, colorful today, and full of hope tomorrow! Hey friends! Let’s cherish today, cherish every minute from now on!

    Mr. Lu Xun once told us: "It’s up to you to live your own life!" Yeah! The road of our life can only rely on our own. We should choose and fight for it. However, we are so young. Where should we move?

    We should have a goal, then we have our advantages. After that, we will have a breakthrough. With the goal of winning glory for our country, we have the power to keep moving up.

    Andersen said that to know oneself is progress. Only by understanding ourselves can we stay ahead of the development of science.

    Life is only a few decades, time is precious. Therefore, only by planning for the goals of our life, take measures, and insist, can we succeed.

    Monthly exam is coming, we hope every schoolmate here can cherish today, study hard and make progress to get a good result.

    That's all for our speech. Thank you.


Mobile red flag Awards



red flag Awards

